Friday 28 November 2008

Radio Cover 6th -12th December 2008

Includes pages of Doctor Who features inside!

David Morrissey could replace Tennant

DOCTOR Who writer Russell T Davies has given a strong hint that David Morrissey will be the next Time Lord.

Morrissey will appear alongside outgoing doctor David Tennant in his swansong this Christmas and the Welsh writer said: “Anyone playing the Doctor has to be capable of anything – action, heartbreak, comedy, wielding a sonic screwdriver – and David Morrissey’s got that in spades.

Full article at WalesOnline

Russell T. Davies Recieves OBE Russell T Davies, the TV writer who resurrected Doctor Who, has received his OBE for services to drama from the Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace.

Doctor Who lead writer and executive producer Russell T Davies has been made an OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours List for his services to Drama.

An OBE is one of the highest civilian honours available to a British subject and is awarded by the Queen, on the advice of the Government.

Russell T Davies said of his honour: "I'm delighted to accept, and I hope it does the whole industry a bit of good, for the writing of television drama to be recognised."

A BBC spokesman commented: "We are delighted for Russell - he is one of this country's greatest writers and it is fantastic that his talent has been recognised in this way."

Russell is the second Doctor Who producer to receive this award after the late Verity Lambert was awarded an OBE in 2002.

BBC news page:

Thursday 27 November 2008

Daleks Attempt To EXTERMINATE World Record!!

New DaleksThe National Space Centre is the focus of an attempt to break the world record for the largest gathering of DALEKS....

More than 40 people have already confirmed their attendance this Saturday in a move to beat the current 70-strong record, held by the Manchester Museum Of Science And Industry.

The Leicester centre is staging the world record attempt to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Doctor's fiercest foes.

Spokeswoman Malika Andress said a Dalek will be counted by Guinness World Records if it is recognisable as one of the mechanical stars from the BBC series.

Want to break a World Record?

Come along on November 29 dressed as a Dalek as the National Space Centre, Project Dalek and the Dalek Builders Guild join forces to create the largest gathering of Daleks ever seen. You can buy or make your costume and will be counted as a Dalek if you are “recognisable” as the ultimate metal meenie!

The event includes:

  • Meet Storm – The UK unveiling of the Super Dalek!
  • Dalek Build Display – how to build a Dalek
  • Memorabillia Collection – a collection of Books, Toys, Models and Memorabillia from the last 45 years
  • Daleks on Display – the “Daleks Through Time” static display.
  • Trundling Daleks – meet them up close and personal!
  • Special Guests – Terry Molloy (Davros), Mat Irvine, Special Effects Designer, who has had a long association with K-9, and will be there with the original
  • On the Big Screen – Space Theatre Dalek quiz
  • Dalek Market – everything Doctor Who you ever wanted and more

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Jamie Bamber would be scared of Who role

Jamie Bamber has admitted that he would be too scared to play the Doctor, as he thinks that taking over from David Tennant as the Time Lord would be a "daunting" project.

The actor, who is best known for his role in Battlestar Galactica, told DigitalSpy that he feels David Tennant's shoes would be very big ones to fill.

"If I'm going to be honest it would be very daunting to take on an icon like Doctor Who," he revealed. "It's right at the core of British television and to take that on is a big challenge.

"I think it's a very enviable one for whoever gets it, but I'm not actively seeking it. I think I'm too scared to actually want it."

But despite his fears, Bamber confirmed that he was a huge fan of the show growing up.

"I was a huge fan of Doctor Who as a kid, as I think every kid my generation was. It was the only compulsory viewing as a young boy in this country."

Bamber is currently filming ITV1's Law and Order: UK alongside Freema Agyeman.


Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 Confirmed

BBC Press Office:

On CBBC, Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) returns for a third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures in Autumn 2009, produced by Doctor Who supremo Russell T Davies.

Together with her companions Rani and Clyde and her adopted son Luke, Sarah Jane once again comes face to face with a whole host of weird and wonderful alien beings.

Sunday 23 November 2008

Poll Result

Thank you to everyone who cast their vote on my poll. 70 people voted and the results are as follows:

How do feel about a coloured Doctor? Does it truly matter?

I don't see why the Doctor can not be coloured 44 (62%)

The Doctor should remain white as he has done
so for his last 10 regenerations 26 (37%)

I am pleased with the result and goes ot show just how far attitudes have come in recent years. According to, Paterson Joseph is the new Doctor, the announcement to be made official in due course. Already best known to Doctor Who fans as Rodrick - Rose's fellow contestant in The Weakest Link - in Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways, Paterson Joseph's casting as the Eleventh Doctor signifies a major sea change in the casting of the lead actor in Doctor Who.

45 Years of Doctor Who 1963 - 2008

Where it all began: BBC One, Saturday, 23rd November 1963

Babelcolour tribute

Doctor Who

William Hartnell

A mysterious Grandfather figure known only as ‘The Doctor’. Doctor Who?

celebrates 45 years today. The show's pilot episode "An Unearthly Child" aired at 5.15pm on BBC ONE. The producers were hoping for a good 3 year run. The show's star, William Hartnell, although initially sceptical about the character and the series, became increasingly more confidant that the show would succeed to five years. The rest of the cast, however (Jacqueline Hill, William Russell and Carol Anne Ford), were sure that the show would not complete its first season.

The Daily Herald 1963

The episode was over looked due to the assassination of US President John F Kennedy on the 22nd November 1963. People were glued to their televisions and radios so as to be kept up to date on the latest news. Ratings were low and the producers pleaded with the bosses at the BBC to repeat the episode the following week, they did. An Unearthly Child was re-shown prior to episode 2 "The Dead Planet". Their determination worked and Doctor Who found a home in many a Whovian's heart!

Pilot Episode: Ian & Barbara barge into the TARDIS

Ian Chesterton:"Let me get this right. A thing that looks like a Police Box, can move anywhere in time and space?"

21st December 1963 - 1st February 1964 began a 7 part story beginning with "The Dead Planet". The TARDIS has a malfunction and materialises on an unknown barren planet. It was this episode that ended with one of the show's most memorable cliff-hangers - Barbara, separated from herthe TARDIS crew and lost in an apparently dead city, is backed up against the wall, and something sinister is advancing towards her. As the scene fades to black, Barbara lets out a terrified scream... The following weeks episode "The Survivors" had double the viewing figures as a nation tuned in to learn what terrified Barbara.... Dalek mania took a hold, and the rest, as they say is history!

William Hartnell was the first TV Doctor. A veteran of stage and screen, Hartnell saw the role as an ideal opportunity to break away from the tough sergeant major roles he often found himself cast in. He got to wear a long grey wig too.

Far less cosy than future Doctors, this first incarnation definitely started out as something of an anti-hero. In stories such as The Daleks, Hartnells’ Doctor would place his companions in jeopardy for the sake of his own curiosity.

A combination of ill-health and changing production team influenced William Hartnell’s decision to retire from the role that had made him a hero to millions of children.

Rather than end the show, the producers hit upon an inspired solution. They decided to re-cast the lead role, explaining that the Doctor could ‘regenerate’ a tired or injured body, taking on a new persona along the way.We would see this special effect spectacular in Hartnell's final story "The Tenth Planet" the Doctor has 2 new companions Ben & Polly who witness the Doctor regenerate for the first time....

The FIRST TARDIS materialization with sound.... 20th January 1965 'The Powerful Enemy'

From 'The Crusade', 27th March 1965, a unique materialization sound never used again...

Above videos from

The first regeneration 1966 - Hartnell into Troughton. The regeneration "effect" was accomplished during the series' original run from 1963–1989 primarily through the use of video mixing. Originally, the plan was to have Hartnell collapse at the end of The Tenth Planet with his cloak over his face, which would then be pulled back to reveal Troughton in the next serial. However, vision mixer Shirley Coward discovered and took advantage of a malfunction in the mixing desk which allowed Hartnell's image to be overexposed to the point of almost whiting out the screen, then fading back in to reveal Troughton's face. This also meant that the regeneration scene could take place with both actors at the conclusion of The Tenth Planet, and Troughton was accordingly signed up to participate.

"This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin..."

Doctor Who (1966–1969)

Patrick Troughton In 1966, Doctor Who producer Innes Lloyd decided to replace Hartnell in the series' lead role. The continued survival of the show depended on audiences accepting another actor in the role, especially given the bold decision that the replacement would not be a Hartnell lookalike or soundalike. Lloyd later stated that Hartnell had approved of the choice, saying, "There's only one man in England who can take over, and that's Patrick Troughton"

Troughton thought how best he could portray the Doctor different to that of Hartnell, it was decided that the doctor could be a 'cosmic hobo'. With this incarnation of the Doctor we got to see the sonic screwdriver for the very first time and that the Doctor could play a musical instrument - a flute! Troughton found Doctor Who's schedule (at this time, 40 to 44 episodes per season) gruelling, and decided to leave the series in 1969, after three years in the role. This decision was also motivated in part by fear of being typecast.

"..Stop.You're making me dizzy. No, you can't do this to me. No..No..No..No.."

Troughton returned to Doctor Who three times after he originally left the programme, becoming the only former "Doctor" to have reprised the role that many times after his original run. The first time was in 'The Three Doctors', in 1973 celebrating the programme's 10th anniversary. Ten years later, Troughton overcame some reluctance to reprise his role and agreed to appear in the 20th anniversary special 'The Five Doctors' at the request of series producer John Nathan-Turner. Troughton enjoyed the return to the programme so much that he readily agreed to appear one more time as the Second Doctor with Colin Baker in 1985's 'The Two Doctors'.

Doctor Who (1970–1974)

Jon Pertwee In 1969, Pertwee was selected by producer Peter Bryant to take over as the Doctor from Patrick Troughton. Pertwee audition for the role and was surprised to find that he had been shortlisted for the it. He played the Doctor as a 'swash-buckling cavalier 'type, which was far removed to how Hartnell and Troughton portrayed the character. Pertwee's Doctor became known as 'the dandy'.

The Doctor was forced to regenerate and was exiled to Earth in the latter half of the 20th Century by his own people - the Time Lords. This was of course due to budget cuts at the time. So to save money, the concept of the Doctor being stranded on Earth was introduced. Jon Pertwee stayed in the role for a total of 5 seasons, surpassing both Hartnell and Troughton's 3 years each.

His swan story was entitled 'Planet of the Spiders', which had the Doctor battle giant spiders from the planet Metabelis III (The Blue Planet is where the Third Doctor takes a perfect blue crystal (a Metabelis Sapphire, which contains strange powers) It is also mentioned in Carnival Of Monsters). We were introduced to the series' all time favourite companion - Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elizabeth Sladen (who now has 2 series of 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' under her belt, and of course the 1981 pilot 'K9 & Company').

In order to win, the Doctor must face his fears. The Doctor travels to Metabelis III with the blue crystatal. On landing, the Doctor heads to the cave of the Great One and gives her the crystal, which she uses to complete a lattice that begins to magnify her mental powers. However, the forces unleashed are too strong for the Great One and the positive feedback kills her and the other spiders. A vast radiation wave from the blue cave spills over the Doctor, destroying his cells and weakening him…

The Brigadier: "Well, here we go again!"

Three weeks later, Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewert and Sarah are in the Doctor's laboratory when the Doctor returns and promptly collapses. The Doctor dies, and Sarah cries. The abbot K’Anpo arrives in his new body, having regenerated into the form of Cho-Je, who was a sort of forward projection of his soul. He tells them that the Doctor will change too and before their eyes the Doctor starts to regenerate. Sarah tells the Brigadier that she thinks The Doctor is starting to regenerate. The Doctor regenerates into a younger man. The abbot comments on his brain cells being rattled around a bit, perhaps to account for the Fourth Doctors radically eccentric personality.

Doctor Who (1974–1981)

Tom Baker

In 1974, 40-year-old Baker took on the role of Doctor. He was cast because of his performance in 'The golden Voyage of Sinbad'. Baker was working on a construction site at the time. He was dubbed "Boiler SuitTom" by the media, as he had been supplied for a press conference with some old studio set clothes to replace his modest garments.

Doctor: "Mother, Mother I feel sick. Send for the doctor, quick quick quick"

As the Doctor, his eccentric dress and speech — particularly his long scarf and fondness of jelly babies — made him immediately recognisable. Baker played the Doctor for seven consecutive seasons, the longest-serving actor in the part on-screen. Baker suggested many aspects of the Doctor's personality. The scarf came by accident: James Acheson, the costume designer, had provided more wool than necessary to the knitter, Begonia Pope, who knitted all she was given; Baker suggested he wear the ridiculously long scarf.

Baker's early stories were dark and gritty at times. Self proclaimed TV moralist campaigned against the show's grittiness and violence. Season 14, particularly in a four-part story called 'The Deadly Assassin' in which the Doctor travels alone to his home planet of Gallifrey in an attempt to thwart the assassination of the President of the Time Lords. In a Gallifreyan virtual reality construct known - curiously enough - as the Matrix, the Doctor fought the assassin in a variety of tense situations, most of them requiring the application of brute force. Episode 3's cliffhanger concluded on a shot of the assassin holding the Doctor's head underwater. Mary Whitehouse again complained. The BBC bosses acted and producer Philip Hinchcliffe was transferred to an adult police drama the network felt was more suited to that level of gritty violence. The Season's remaining episodes had been completed and were aired as cut.

Doctor: "It's the end...but the moment's been prepared for"

In October, 1980, the BBC announced just before the 3 part story 'Full Circle' that Baker was leaving at the end of the 1981 season. Baker's departure was based partly on his feeling that he could not develop his role further, and partly on the new producer, John Nathan-Turner's, dislike of Baker's portrayal. Baker's last regular appearance as the Doctor was on 21 March 1981 at the conclusion of the story 'Logopolis'. JNT brought in the '?' on the Doctor's clothing, which Baker did not particularily like, nor did a lot of fans. The '?' remained until the show ended in 1989.

Doctor Who

Peter Davison

I1981, Davison signed a contract to play the Doctor for three years, and, at age 29, is still the youngest actor to assume the lead role. Attracting such a high-profile actor as Davison was as much of a coup for the programme's producers as getting the role was for him, but he did not renew his contract because he feared being typecast. Reportedly, Patrick Troughton had recommended to Davison that he leave the role after three years, and Davison followed his advice. However, Peter Davison has since stated that he also felt too young for the role, and if given the chance at the role now he would have made a better Doctor.

Doctor: "Zero Room? Oh, it's very big...empty and sort of grey, pinkish grey"

The story 'Earthshock' was the only episode to not have the Doctor Who theme over the end credits. This was due toone of the Doctor's companions, Adric, died at the end trying to prevent the freighter ship crashing into Earth (of the past). He failed and we learn that the freighter caused the obliteration of the dinosaurs.

Peter Davison did, in fact, return to play the Fifth Doctor in the 1993 multi-doctor Children In Need special 'Dimensions In Time' . He continues to reprise the role in a series of audio plays by Big Finish Productions. He returned once again for the Stephen Moffett written Children In Need mini episode 'Time Crash', which aired on 16 November 2007, the Fifth Doctor met his future 10th self, played by current Doctor David Tennant.

Davison swan song was 'The Caves Of Androzani'. As the planet erupts around him, the Doctor manages to carry Peri back to the TARDIS. However, he accidentally spills the precious antidote while his blister filled hands were searching for the TARDIS key. The Doctor manages to save only half of the milk, meaning that only one of them could be cured. Without hesitation, he gives Peri the milk. She recovers quickly and sees the Doctor lying on the TARDIS's floor. The Doctor sees that Peri is well and says "Peri, well I see that Professor Jackij knew his stuff." Peri then asks the Doctor if he got the bat's milk and he confirms that he did. Peri then presses the Doctor into telling her where the antidote was. He simply tells her "Finished...Only enough for you." Peri looks on in horror and urges the Doctor not to give up and that there must be something they can do to save him. The Doctor becomes doubtful and says "I might regenerate, I don't know... It feels different this time."

Doctor: "Is this death?"

As the Doctor slowly rests his head, he enters a hallucinatory state., and sees images of his previous compnaions - Tegan, Nyssa, Turlough, Kamelion and Adric. The Doctor, who has long been haunted by the tragic loss of his Alzarian companion, cries out his name. However, the Doctor hears a cold and sinister laugh which drives all of the images of his companions away. It is the image of the Master. The Master begins to goad and taunt the Doctor, saying; "No my dear Doctor, you must die. Die, Doctor. Die, Doctor!" As the Master continues to laugh, his image becomes larger and the Doctor's face begins to glow. In a flash, the Doctor regenerates and awakens in the TARDIS to a new face and a shocked Peri. Peri attempts to ask the Doctor what happened. The Doctor turns towards the camera and says "Change, my dear, and it seems not a moment too soon..."

Doctor Who (1983–1986)

Colin Baker

Baker made his first appearance in Doctor Who as Commander Maxil in the story 'Arc of Infinity'. Baker's performance was described by producer John Nathan-Turner as being "quite arch" and a little sassy. Despite this, Baker's character became one of the few characters to actually shoot the Doctor, then played by Peter Davison.

When Baker was officially cast as Davison's successor, he became the only "Doctor" actor to have appeared in the television series as another character prior to taking on the leading role. Baker's first appearance as the Doctor occurred at the final minutes of 'The Caves of Androzani', where he delivered his first few lines. The closing title sequence for episode four featured Baker's face instead of Peter Davison, and credits him as the Doctor before Davison's own credit. This was the first (and, to date, only) time that the new lead received top billing in the final story of an outgoing Doctor.

Baker's era was interrupted by a long 18 month hiatus which was announced in February 1985, mid way through transmission of his first full season. One new Doctor Who story, 'Slipback' , was made on radio during the hiatus. The Controller of BBC ONE at the time, Michael Grade, criticised the show, saying that the programme had become overly violent and its storylines farcical during season 22 in 1985. After the 18-month hiatus, the program was brought back for its 23rd season in the Autumn of 1986. Season 23 featured a reduction of episodes produced, and the 14 episode long serial 'The Trial of a Time Lord' was felt by some fans to reflect the fact that the series itself was "on trial" at this time.

In 1986, Baker was sacked from the role as the Doctor as the BBC management wanted to refresh the show, and for an actor who appealed more to the audience.

Colin Baker reprised his role as the 6th Doctor in the C.I.N special 'Dimensions In Time' and again as part of Big Finish Productions audio dramas.

Doctor Who (1987–1989 & 1996)

Sylvester McCoy

He took over the lead role of Doctor Who in 1987 and remained until the series went into it's second hiatus in 1989 . He played the Doctor in the 1993 charity special 'Dimensions In Time', and again in 1996, appearing in a cameo at the beginning of the Doctor Who television movie where he handed the role over to Paul McGann. In his first series, McCoy, a comedy actor, portrayed the character with a degree of clown-like humour, but script editor Andrew Carmel soon changed that when fans argued that the character (and plots) were becoming increasingly lightweight. The Seventh Doctor developed into a much darker figure than any of his earlier incarnations, manipulating people like chess pieces and always seeming to be playing a deeper game. McCoy generally approved of this, as it allowed him to play more of a dramatic role.

A distinguishing feature of McCoy's performances was his manner of speech. He used his natural slight Scottish accent and rolled his rs. In 1990, readers of Doctor Who Magazine voted McCoy's Doctor "Best Doctor", over long standingl favourite Tom Baker. He still portrays the Doctor with BFP audio drams.

Doctor Who (television movie 1996)

Paul McGann

On 10 January 1996, it was announced that Paul McGann would play the Eigth iincarnation of the Doctor in the TV movie.

The Doctor Who television movie was a joint venture between the BBC, Universal Studios and Fox Broadcasting Network. McGann had signed a contract to appear as the Eighth Doctor in a new Doctor Who series, if Fox or Universal exercised their option. Thus, the television movie was supposed to be a 'new pilot' in that, if it obtained respectable ratings, the new series would continue to be produced. The movie aired on 14 May 1996 in the US and on 27 May 1996 in the UK. Although it earned 9.08 million viewers and was very successful in the UK, ratings were very low in the USA. As a consequence, Fox did not exercise its option to pick up the series and Universal could not find another network who was interested in airing a new Doctor Who series. Thus no new series was produced , all the contractual rights returned to the BBC, and the movie became McGann's only televised appearance as the Eighth Doctor.

Doctor: "I'm half-human...on my mother's side"

Although McGann played the Doctor on television only once, he gave permission for his likeness to be used on the covers of the BBC's Eigth Doctor Novels and he has reprised the role of the Eighth Doctor in an extensive series of audio plays by BFP.

For nine years, McGann was treated as the "current" Doctor by some fans (1996-2005) is tied with Sylvester McCoy (1987-1996) for serving the longest period of time as the "current" Doctor, at nine years each, though McGann actually had the role for 40 days more. The show was not in production for virtually all of this time, however. McGann's single appearance as the Doctor in the television movie makes him the actor with the shortest "screen time" in that role.

Rumours abounded that Paul McGann would reprise the role of the eighth Doctor in a new series of television films, alongside the current television series. McGann has denied these rumours on the grounds of not having being asked back to play the part but if he were to be asked would be interested as long as he "didn't have to wear a wig". McGann has appeared again as the eighth Doctor in the BBC Radio 7 series Doctor Who in 2007 and 2008.

Doctor Who (2003)

Richard E. Grant Richard E. Grant,McGann's co-star in Withnail, also played the Doctor in the 2003 animated webcast 'Scream of the Shalka'. The official Ninth Doctor until the series returned to our screens in the Spring of 2005., and was relegated to unofficial status. It was produced to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the series and was posted over a 6 week period from 13th November to 18th December 2003 on the bbc Doctor Who website.

Doctor Who (2005)

Christopher Eccleston

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? On 20th March 2004, it was announced that Eccleston was to play the Ninth incarnation of the Doctor in the revival of Doctor Who, which began transmission on 26 March 2005 (postponed by one week).

The Doctor is apparently the sole remaining survivor of the 'Last Great Time War' . His people, the TIME LORDS faught a battle against the evil that are the DALEKS. Their invaded and destroyed his homeworld of GALLIFREY. It is assumed that it was the eigth incarnation of the Doctor that faught in the war, and that he regenerated towards the end or once the war was over.

The war changed him, over run with guilt for survivng when all of his own kind perished, struggling to come to terms with why he remained alive and alone. He came to spend more time on Earth, where he met a certain 19 year old, Rose Tyler.

Rose, a brave, determined teenager with a strong mind of her own, and not afraid to put her life on the line for the Doctor or anyone else. These qualities endeared the Doctor towards her, not only becoming a companion, friend but he began to fall in love with her. Rose helped him to come to terms with is feelings regarding the Time War.

Believing that the Daleks perished, he discovers in the Earth's distant future that they have survived and come to conquer Earth. The Doctor sends Rose back to her own time but she looks into the heart of the TARDIS and returns to him. Her head is filled with the Time Vortex. Rose raises a hand and wipes the Daleks from existance, but the strain is too much and her head can not cope with such power. The Doctor kisses her, removing the vortex from Rose and sending it back into the TARDIS. Once they are both inside the TARDIS, the Doctor explains to Rose that what he is about to do is 'a bit tricky', he tells her thta she was 'FANTASTIC! and so was he'. The Doctor regenerates in a bright yellow/orange light.....

Doctor: "...I may have two heads or no head, imagine me with no head..."

On 30 March 2005, the BBC released a statement, ostensibly from Eccleston, saying that he had decided to leave the role after just one season, because he feared becoming typecast. On 4 April, the BBC revealed that Eccleston's "statement" was falsely attributed and released without his consent. The BBC admitted that they had broken an agreement made in January not to disclose publicly that he only intended to do one season. The statement had been made after journalists made queries to the press office.

On 7 November 2008, at the National Theatre to promote his book 'The Writer's Tale', Russell T. Davies said that Eccleston's contract was for a single year because it was uncertain whether the show would continue beyond a single revival season. In retrospect, he says, it has been an enormous success, but at the time there were doubts within the BBC.

Eccleston was voted "Most Popular Actor" at the 2005 National Television Awards for his portrayal of The Doctor.

Doctor Who (2005-2010)

David Tennant

David Tennant Doctor Who TARDIS.jpgDavid Tennant, a life long fan of Doctor Who, got his dream job when RTD offerred him the role upon the departure of Christopher Eccleston. His first on screen appearance was at the end of Series 1 (aka Season 27) 'The Paeting Of The Ways'.

He began filming the new series of Doctor Who in late July 2005. His first full-length outing as the Doctor was a sixty-minute special, 'The Christmas Invasion', first broadcast on Christmas Day 2005.

Sarah Jane, Doctor, Mickey, Rose

Rose fell head over heels for her new Doctor. In School Reunion, the Doctor takes the place of a teacher to investigate perculiar goings on at a High School. It is here, thta the Doctor meets one of his previous companions, journalist and investigator, Sarah Jane Smith. They meet again a few years later when the Earth is taken out of the solar system and into the Medusa Cascade. They both come face to face with a new breed of Daleks and their creator, DAVROS...

In the 2006 season finale, The Doctor loses Rose to an alternative universe where Rose's father, Pete Tyler, is very much alive and wealthy! Jackie Tyler (alternative mother) is turned into a Cyberman. The Doctor circles a dying sun to send a projection of himself to Rose in Bad Wolf Bay in Norway.

2008, David Tennant performs Hamlet with the The Royal Shakespeare Company, after filming of Doctor Who Sereis 4 is completed. It is also announced that there will be no Series 5 in 2009, instead there will be four, one hour long specials , with Series 5 in 2010. Ho

During the National Television Awards, David announced that he would not be returning to the role after the 2009–2010 specials, saying that they would have to drag him out of the TARDIS at age 70.

Specualation circuals the net and other media as to who will replace Tennant as the 11th Doctor? Rumour has it that an nanouncement is imminent on the 45th anniversary. Ears to the ground.......

Saturday 22 November 2008

Verity Ann Lambert, OBE (27 November 1935 - 22 November 2007)

Verity Lambert One year ago Verity Lambert passed away.

Verity was born in London, the daughter of an accountant and was educated at the legendary girls public school Roedean. She left at 16, studied at the Sorbonne in Paris for a year and at a secretarial college in London for eighteen months.

In 1956 at 21, she entered the television industry as a secretary at Granada Television in their press office but left after six months. Following her involuntary departure from Granada she took a job as a shorthand typist at the ‘Associated-British’ subsidiary ABC Television - the North and Midlands weekend contractor - working as a secretary to producer/director Dennis Vance.

Doctor Who began on BBC TV on 23rd November1963. She was appointed to Doctor Who in 1963 she was the youngest producer, and only female drama producer. Verity was drafted in by BBC drama head Sydney Newman to add sparkle to his new science fiction project. Conceived by Newman as an educational science-fiction series for children, the programme concerned the adventures of a crotchety old man travelling through space and time with his sometimes unwilling companions in a ship that was larger on the inside than on the out. It was notably to be made by his drama department and not the children’s unit. The show was a risk, and in some quarters not expected to last longer than thirteen weeks. Lambert oversaw the first two seasons of the programme, eventually leaving in 1965. It ran originally from 1963 - 1989, a 1996 TV movie before returning to the small screen in March 2005 - present.


When Lambert arrived at the BBC in June 1963, she was initially given a more experienced associate producer, Mervyn Pinfield, to assist her. Doctor Who quickly became a success for the BBC, chiefly on the popularity of the alien creatures known as the DALEKS. Lambert's superior, Head of Serials Donald Wilson, had strongly advised against using the script in which the Daleks first appeared, but after the serial's successful airing, he said that Lambert clearly knew the series far better than he did, and he would no longer interfere in her decisions.

The success of Doctor Who and the Daleks also garnered press attention for Lambert herself; in 1964, the Daily Mail published a feature on the series focusing on the perceived attractiveness of its young producer: "The operation of the Daleks ... is conducted by a remarkably attractive young woman called Verity Lambert who, at 28, was not only the youngest but the only female drama producer at BBC T

Thursday 20 November 2008

Geoff Noble Scenes Here is a video clip of Geoff Noble (Donna Noble's dad) played by the late Howard Attfield, who sadly passed awayin November 2007. He did film scenes for S4 Ep1 Partners In Crime, which were re-shot with Bernard Cribbins stepping in as Donna's grandfather Wilfred Mott.

Elisabeth Sladen (The Sarah Jane Adventures) Interview

SJ1.jpg picture by cerys34 The Sarah Jane Adventures aired in a Christmas pilot in 2006 and then as a series on CBBC in 2007 and is currently half way through it's second series. Elisabeth Sladen first played Doctor Who companion Sarah Jane Smith in 1973 in along side Jon Pertwee. The character of Sarah Jane returned to the Doctor Who fold in Series 2 (or Season 28) in 2006 with David Tennant as the Doctor and returned once more in Episodes 12 & 13 of Series 4 2 part finale.

How did filming the Doctor Who finale differ from filming The Sarah Jane Adventures?

Doctor Who is such a different animal, it’s like our big brother. Actually, the Sarah Jane Adventures sound man told me that it’s much harder for him than Doctor Who as there’s so much more dialogue! My dialogue has to be really precise as well, I can’t paraphrase my stuff as it’s explaining the plot!

Do you think Sarah Jane and any of her assistants will feature in Doctor Who again?

I don’t know, I didn’t think I’d be coming back after ‘School Reunion’! I thought I’d had a lovely goodbye, but then I came back again! Never say never, definitely.

This time last year, the newspapers were reporting about all the recent companions coming back for the Series 4 finale. At what point did you know you’d be returning?

Oh, I knew quite a long time back! People were asking me about it and I had to just go “oh, that’s news to me!”.

Now that David Tennant has announced he’s leaving Doctor Who next year, who would you like to see as the next Doctor?

Jason Isaacs is an incredibly talented actor, I think he’d bring real gravitas to it - and he’s also from Liverpool! Or maybe Hellboy! The actor who plays Hellboy [Ron Perlman], it’d be brilliant to have a big Doctor with a bit of muscle! I imagine Steven Moffat has his own plan though, it’s quite exciting! I’d love to work with him, but I really don’t think I’ll be coming back to Doctor Who again now. Bringing people back was more Russell’s thing.

(Full interview can be found at

Wednesday 19 November 2008


Explore the origins of a TV legend with this collection of documents and images. It's now the number one family favourite, but 'Doctor Who' had a difficult birth, emerging from the imagination of some of BBC Drama's top minds.

Here, we tell the story of the creation of 'Doctor Who' from the very beginning, starting with a report on the possibility of making science fiction for television and leading up to the moment a new drama series is announced in the pages of 'Radio Times'.

45 years of Doctor Who, 23rd November 1963 - 23rd November 2008

Original run
Classic series:

23 November 1963 –
6 December 1989
Television movie:
12 May 1996
Current series:
26 March 2005 – present

MFX Warehouse - Doctor Who Replicas Their range of ‘authentics’ are reproductions of props we created for the show and are all hand crafted in the Millennium FX workshops. They are built to order using as many of the original moulds, patterns and materials as possible and are individually numbered.

Cyber Controller Head


Cold cast metal with fibreglass re-enforcement to both main halves


Adapted from the standard Cyberman to show its exposed brain under a clear vac-formed canopy and features 10 LEDs to illuminate the eyes, brain and mouth. These are powered by standard AA sized batteries (not included).

Cybercontroler unlit Cybercontroler lit


Limited; 250 Worldwide

The components of this piece have the weight and feel of metal, but are created using a process called ‘cold cast metal’.

The cold cast metal reacts a little differently every time it is produced and therefore all the original Cyberman heads were subtly unique in appearance, which is also true of the replicas. The material also ages and tarnishes like real metal.

The degree of shine on each head is entirely dependant upon the amount of polishing it has received at any given time. For screen use they were brought to a slightly dull shine, however if you require more brightness on your product, please follow the instructions provided and polish to your desired finish.


This is a display replica and is not designed to be worn.


This product comes with a display stand designed specially for it featuring the Cybus Corporation logo.


Height/Width/Depth: 330 x 285 x 285 (Height including stand: 380mm)
All measurements are approximate

Delivery Information

UK Europe
£15.27 £42.12

All prices subject to VAT.


£575.00 + VAT


Friday 12th DECEMBER 2008!
For guaranteed delivery before Christmas

(Thanks to

Tuesday 18 November 2008

'John Barrowman Live at the Faenol Festival' -

Torchwood star John Barrowman on stage at the Faenol Festival with Jodie Prenger

John Barrowman Live at the Faenol Festival

Tuesday 18 November, 8pm, BBC Two Wales

John Barrowman, joined by Jodie Prenger, Daniel Boys and Shan Cothi, sings songs from musicals, theatre and film in the beautiful setting of the Faenol estate.

Recorded on the 24th August 2008.

The Faenol Festival (Welsh: Gŵyl y Faenol) is a music festival organised by Welsh singer Bryn Terfel and held annually on the Faenol Estate (Welsh: Y Faenol), near Y Felinheli in Gwynedd, North Waless.

The festival was launched in 2000 and traditionally takes place on August Bank Holiday weekend. It includes both classical and Welsh popular music.

In 2006 the four day festival was attended by over 35,000 people, a record figure for the event.

Monday 17 November 2008

Where Are They Now? - No.9 Anneke Wills

Anneke was born on October 20th, 1941, in Berkshire. Her parents Anna and Alaric Willys (she later changed her name to Wills) had planned to buy a house in the South of France but World War II ended that idea. Alaric was a gambler whose severe debts forced Anna to take on a string of jobs while he became a captain in the British army and an absent figure. Anna worked as a companion to a blind aristocrat, gardener, teacher - moving Anneke and her brother Robin around the country several times. Anneke won her first role at the age of 11 while she was living on a houseboat in Bray, Berkshire. The film was called Child's Play and she gave the £9 fee to her mother. Deciding she wanted to be an actress she then studied drama at the Arts Educational School in London and quickly became one of the busiest actresses of her generation, early roles included an appearance as Roberta in the first TV version of The Railway Children in 1957.

She appeared in the show from 1966 to 1967 alongside William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton as the Doctor - the first in a long line of glamorous Doctor Who girls Travelled with the Doctorbetween The War Machines and The Faceless Ones.

Polly was the the secretary of Professor Brett, who had developed a malevolent computer called WOTAN. Personable, and strong-willed, Polly had recently befriended a despondent sailor, Ben Jackson.

The Doctor defeated WOTAN and the tank-like mobile War Machines it commanded. The Doctor accidentally took off with Polly and Ben on board, leading them into a series of adventures, including the Doctor's first encounter with the Cybermen.

Ben and Polly were present when the Doctor regenerated for the first time. When their travels eventually returned them to contemporary Earth, Ben and Polly took the opportunity to leave.

Other television credits include appearances in The Avengers and as Evelyn in Strange Report. However she left the latter series when it was planned to switch filming to Hollywood.

Anneke has had an extraordinary life. One of her early boyfriends was Daphne du Maurier's son, Kits Browning but it was Edward Fox who was her first love. At 17 she began a relationship with Anthony Newley while working on the TV series The Strange World of Gurney Slade. Later, she married Michael Gough, the distinguished actor who played The Celestial Toymaker in Doctor Who.

During the sixties Anneke spent much of her time at the famous Troubadour Coffee Shop and The Establishment, and was part of the so-called Chelsea Set, counting among her close friends Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, The Alberts, Sammy Davis Junior, Angela Douglas and Kenneth More, Mary Quant, Sarah Miles and many more leading lights of the Sixties.

In 1966 she was offered her role in Doctor Who and life seemed perfect for the young actress. However after leaving Strange Report her professional acting career drew to a close, she moved to Norfolk with Gough and found an Elizabethan farmhouse which they bought and she threw herself into motherhood and gardening. For years they were happy but when Gough started work at the National Theatre and returned to Norfolk only at weekends, the strain began to tell. He was also womanising and though, as with Newley, Wills initially let this slide, the situation deteriorated and after two years of trying to keep it together they admitted defeat and divorced. She walked away from the marriage without asking for any alimony. Her next move was to take a course in meditation in London which led to her finding out about the teachings of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Leaving daughter Polly who was then 14, she took 12 year old Jasper with her and headed for India, donning the orange robes of Bhagwan's cult followers and joining his ashram where free love was the order of the day. However Wills was more interested in meditation and after initial doubt of her decision she settled down and stayed in the ashram from 1975 to 1981, at one stage spending ten days blindfolded on a cushion. She then followed Bhagwan and his disciples to Oregon.

There is much, much more to this amazing life...and it can be read about in Anneke's Autobiography, 'Self Portrait'.

£11.99 plus £2.00 p&p

If you would like your book signed, please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery, and please ensure that you include a note with your payment stating who you would like the autograph dedicated to.

Coming soon.

Volume 2 of Anneke's autobiography.

The second part of her autobiography continues from the 1970's through to the present day.

£11.99 plus £2.00 p&p

Anneke on Facebook

There is now an official Facebook group for Anneke - simply search on 'Anneke Wills' and the group will be at the top of the search results.

Polly Returns in Brand New Doctor Who Adventure

Written by Steve Lyons, 'Resistance' is a new Doctor Who adventure in Big Finish's 'Companion Chronicles' series. Anneke reprises her role as Polly, and tells the story which features the second Doctor, Ben and Jamie in occupied France during the second world war. For the first time, we see Polly's point of view, as she confronts her own history. Release date to be confirmed, but likely to be summer 2008. Watch the Big Finish Website for news. Resistance is expected for release in March 2009.

Pat Troughton
Drawn by Anneke herself and on sale from her website for £15. You can view more of her drawings at her shop.