Saturday 28 February 2009

Music from Outer Space

Music from Outer Space
  • Saturday, 18 April 2009 6.00pm
  • Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

Ian Mcmillan conductor
JUST ANNOUNCED - Elisabeth Sladen (star of the Sarah Jane Adventures and Dr Who's companion) presenter

We are delighted to announce that Elisabeth Sladen, star of the Sarah Jane Adventures and a regular on Dr Who, will be presenting this concert.

Elisabeth Sladen will be joined by her husband Brian Miller, the voice of the daleks on Dr Who.

A mind-blowing journey through time with a spectacular programme of 'space inspired' science fiction music including Star Wars, Star Trek, The Empire Strikes Back, Thunderbirds, E.T., Close Encounters of The Third Kind, Superman and Dr Who. Sit back, fasten your seat belts and be prepared to marvel as you take an unforgettable trip to Outer Space in the company of the RLPO!

Come along dressed up as your favourite sci fi character - Dalek or Doctor, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Princess Leia or perhaps Superman!

Concert starts at 6pm and finishes at 7.30pm, with a ten-minute interval.

Here for Info

DWM 406


On sale 5th March 2009 £3.99

Friday 20 February 2009

I'm scared stiff of taking over from David Tennant

NEW Doctor Who Matt Smith admits that he is jittery about taking over from hugely popular David Tennant.

The virtual unknown said he even thought about turning telly’s top role DOWN for fear he could not live up to the Scottish actor.

And he revealed that strangers have already approached him to warn he has big shoes to fill in the BBC1 hit.

Woolly frightened ... Matt Smith in 'tea cosy' look

Posh thesp Matt, 26, said: “You have the debate in your head at some point, whether or not you should say yes.

“It’s a big commitment, and there’s a huge fanbase, and all the responsibility that comes with it.”

In his first interview since he won the job, he told Doctor Who mag: “I was in the pub the other day, having Sunday lunch with my sister, and a lady came up to me. She told me that I have big boots to fill. I thought, ‘Well, it’s lucky I’ve got big feet!’

“But I just so wanted to be the Doctor. I’d have been mental to not do it, I think! I like the idea of a challenge.”

The star — previously best known for stage roles and smaller TV parts — also revealed he is nervous about how his life will change once he is seen on screen.

He takes over from David, 37, to become the 11th Time Lord next year — and says he was stunned when news of his hiring made front pages.

He said: It’s something that I’m having to adapt to. I go largely unnoticed, to be honest, I think, at the moment, which is quite nice. I’m enjoying my anonymity.”

Meanwhile Matt, who has a Brazilian girlfriend, is loving ploughing through scripts with show boss Steven Moffat and working on what his Doc will be like.

He said: “We’ll talk about my intentions, their intentions, how we feel it can fly, and sing, and be as brilliant and as Doctor-y and as excellent as it can be.

“That’s what’s lovely, there are all these exciting things — what’s he going to wear, what’s he going to do in his first scene with his companion, which monsters will he meet, will he meet the Daleks.”

He said he would be in the role for at least two series, and hoped to have “some time to develop it, and see how the Doctor develops on me.”

He added: “I think there’s a real prospect for change over the series, because I’m going to grow as a man, personally.

“I’ll hit 30 in 2012, and that’s an important stage of growing up, and how brilliant to do that as Matt Smith, but also as Matt Smith playing the Doctor.

(The SUN Newspaper)

Wednesday 18 February 2009

New Doctor Who one-shot comic coming this month

Today's Sci-Fi Wire reports that IDW will release a special one-shot Doctor Who comic, "The Whispering Gallery," by artist Ben Templesmith and writers Leah Moore & John Reppion.

In "The Whispering Gallery," the TARDIS lands in a maze-like gallery filled with thousands of talking pictures, and the Doctor and Martha discover they've come across a planet where showing emotion has been outlawed. The inhabitants have good reason for their suppression, but it wouldn't be like the Doctor to leave them in fear of truly living.

Married writing team Leah Moore and John Reppion have been fans of Doctor Who and pitched IDW Publishing on their story idea for the classic British sci-fi hero after Leah had a dream about a two-page spread one night.

Doctor Who: The Whispering Gallery hits stands on Feb. 25.

Lindsay Duncan - Downing Street to TARDIS

            Lindsay Duncan              Lindsay Duncan (Mansfield Park, Longord, Lost In Austen) has been cast as companion in the next Doctor Who Special .The untitled second episode has been written by executive producer Russell T Davies and writer Phil Ford, with production set to start in spring 2009.

Duncan said: "I'm thrilled to be involved in Doctor Who. I've never done anything like this before and I'm really looking forward to working with David Tennant and the Doctor Who team."
Davies said: "Lindsay is an incredibly talented actress and I've been an admirer of her work for some time. "We are delighted to announce that she will be joining the team and playing the Doctor's most strong-minded companion yet."

Lindsay Duncan will be seen in 'Margaret' (to be aired on Thursday 26th February), as the Tory Prime Minister - Margaret 'the iron lady' Thatcher. Which will portray Thatcher's final days in power in 1991.

Lindsay Duncan to star in BBC drama charting the 'last days of Margaret Thatcher'

Monday 16 February 2009


Eccleston was born in Langworthy in Salford, Manchester in 1964. He was head boy at Joseph Eastham's High School, Hilton Lane, Little Hulton with a love of Granada and BBC1 television and an ambition to play football for his beloved Manchester United. However, at the age of 19, he found himself to be a much better actor than footballer, and was inspired by television dramas such as Boys from the BVlackstuff.

Eccleston first came to public attention as Derek Bentley in the 1991 film Let Him Have It. However, it was a regular role in the television series Cracker (1993–94) that made him a recognizable face in the UK.

He appeared in the low-budget 1994 film Shallow Grave, in which he co-starred with up-and-coming actor Ewan McGregor. The same year, he won the part of Nicky Hutchinson in the epic BBC drama serial Our Friends In The North, whose broadcast on BBC TWO in 1996 helped make him a household name in the UK. Eccleston would share the screen in the show with future James Bond Daniel Craig.

20th March 2004, and it is announced that Christopher Eccleston would portray The Doctor in the return of the nation's favourite and longest running sci-fi series DOCTOR WHO, to be aired March 2005. He would be the NINTH actor to play the role.The series was a successess and is now four series in, or to us real fans, Season 30. But before the show aired, Eccleston confirmed on national television that he would not be doing a second season. A SHOCK to say the least.

For his work go here.

Sunday 15 February 2009

SFX Magazine Davison Interview

EXCLUSIVE! Peter Davison talks Matt Smith

Fifth Doctor - Castrovalva by Gordon D.
Until Matt Smith was announced as the Eleventh Doctor last month, Fifth Doctor Peter Davison was the youngest man to take the TARDIS helm. We spoke to him about Smith's casting:

What was your reaction when you heard about Matt Smith being cast?
Did you think they’d go for someone more well known? Or someone older?

I only ever had one thought on my wish list – get an actor. With that in mind he seems a perfect choice. However, I hope they don't get too dogged about never casting older in the future.

When he takes over, he’ll take your crown as the youngest ever Doctor.
Will you be sad to see that go?

Not really. It's hardly an achievement in itself, is it?

How did you approach playing someone so old when you were so young?
Young or old the Doctor is young at (two) heart(s). This probably makes it harder to play if you're older.

How can Matt expect his life to change when he becomes the Doctor?
Only about totally.

How excited should he be about taking on the role?
I should think he's quite excited enough, without my encouragement.

Can you see yourself ever going back to Doctor Who again, as you did for “Time Crash”?
I can certainly see myself, but I don't think it will happen.

SFX magazine subscription
March 2009 Issue

Thursday 12 February 2009

Doctor Who: The Lost Stories

Big Finish is to launch a new series of audio adventures in January 2010 with Doctor Who: The Lost Stories. Colin Baker stars as the Sixth Doctor and Nicola Bryant as Peri in these adaptations of scripts that were commissioned but never made for television in the mid-80s.

“It’s well known that, when Doctor Who was given an enforced hiatus in 1984, plans were very advanced on the upcoming Season 23,” says Lost Stories producer David Richardson. “None of those scripts ever made it to the screen.

“Some of them - like The Nightmare Fair by Graham Williams and Mission to Magnus by Philip Martin - were novelised. Others, however, have remained locked away in their respective writers lofts for well over 20 years. It’s taken a lot of (very enjoyable) detective work, but I’ve managed to source seven unmade adventures that will now finally come brilliantly to life on audio.

“When I phoned Colin Baker to propose the idea he couldn’t have been more delighted. In fact, he’d actually planned to suggest the very same thing to me a couple of weeks beforehand during the recording of The Raincloud Man, but had just been distracted by the day’s work.
“The writers too responded enthusiastically, without exception. Many of them said that these scripts represented unfinished business, and this was a welcome chance to finally air them to an audience of Doctor Who fans.”

The full line-up will be revealed in a forthcoming issue of Doctor Who Magazine, but Richardson has confirmed that the first two entries in the Lost Stories will be the aforementioned The Nightmare Fair (which features The Celestial Toymaker) and Mission to Magnus (in which profit-hungry slug Sil allies himself with the Ice Warriors).

Mission to Magnus has been adapted for audio by original author, Philip Martin. However, as the author of The Nightmare Fair, Graham Williams is sadly no longer with us, the adaptation has been handled by Big Finish director, John Ainsworth. “Working on the script has been great fun. I have made every effort to remain true to the original TV script but have also been able to include extra material from Graham’s own novelisation of the story. Hopefully listeners will get a good sense of what the story would have been like had it been made for TV.”

News of the project broke first in DWM, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

“I’ve spent the last week fielding emails from many people, all desperate to know what the final five stories are!” says Richardson. “And, you know, I’d love to tell them. I’d just like to get it off my chest! But for now we can’t say I’m afraid - not until final scripts are delivered, and studio dates are booked, and everything is set in stone. But keep looking at the DWM news pages, as we’ll be announcing the Final Five in there first!”

TARDIS Key For Five Years?

Contract ... new Doctor Matt SmithAccording to media rumours, Matt Smith has signed up for three season wit the option for a further two years to play the Doctor, according to The SUN. He will be paid £200,000 per year. This is still less than current Time Lord David Tennant who will be handing over the TARDIS key by 2010. The pay deal comes as the BBC begins to trim the huge pay deals it uses to attract to stars amid the economic climate and the controversy over Jonathan Ross.

Producers were said to be keen to keep Matt as long as possible after David announced he is to quit after three series at the height of the show’s popularity — with 12 million regular viewers. He is filming four one-offs this year.

An insider said: “Bosses don’t want Matt doing a David and leaving when things are going great.”

Matt signed in December as the 11th Doctor and is working on his first series, which airs next year.

Reflective Doctor Who Tardis on show at Hayward Gallery

Blurring edges: Artist Mark Wallinger with his spectacular reflective Tardis which gives the illusion that it is dematerialising at the Hayward Gallery on the South BankTime and Relative Dimensions in Space, 2001, is by Mark Wallinger, the Turner Prize-winning artist who is curating the show at the Hayward Gallery.

Info on article at:

Cast of SJA on Red Nose Day 09

With David Tennant hosting the first hour of Comic Relief in March, it appears he iwill be joined by fellow WHOniverse actors Elisabeth Sladen, Tommy Knight, Anjli Mohindra and Daniel Anthony who are scheduled to film a specail for the night.

Details regarding the plot are not yet known, however it will feature a well-known comedian and an attack by Rednosicles(!)

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Happy 70th Birthday Peter Purves

Peter Purves appeared in 44 episodes of Doctor Who and all were with William Hartnell's Doctor. He joined the cast in 1965 as Morton Dill in a one appearance butb soon had the opportunity to become a full cast member as Steven Taylor, appearing in the following serials;

The Time Medler
Galaxy 4
The Myth Makers
The Ark
The Massacre
The Dalek Masterplan
The Gunfighters
The Celestrial Toumaker
The Savages

Peter left the series in June 1966 and replaced Blue Peter presenter Christopher 1967 .He stayed with the show for 10 years, although he originally meant to be a stop-fill of 6 months.

On set with John and Valerie
With fellow Blue Peter presents Valerie Singleton and John Noakes.

For more information on Peter Purves, go here

Monday 9 February 2009

Sladen Autobiography

Aurum Press Ltd have revealed that Elisabeth Sladen who plays Sarah Jane Smith in both Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures will be writing a biography about herself. You can see the synopsis for the book below;

When Elisabeth Sladen first appeared as plucky journalist Sarah Jane Smith in 1973 "Doctor Who" story "The Time Warrior", little did she know the character would become one of the most enduring and fondly remembered in the series' history. The coming years would see her traverse time and space alongside classic Doctors Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, whilst a generation of children crouched behind the sofa, terrified but transfixed as their tea time heroine found herself menaced by Daleks, dinosaurs, Cybermen, man-eating alien flora, Egyptian mummies, extras in bubble wrap and even the Loch Ness Monster. By the time she quit the TARDIS in 1976, making front page news, Elisabeth had become one of the most familiar faces of a TV golden age. But that wasn't the end of Sarah Jane. Since then Elisabeth has reprised the role many times appearing in anniversary specials; a 1981 spin-off with robotic sidekick K-9; radio plays; and for the BBC's "Children in Need". She's toured the weird, wide and wonderful world of "Doctor Who" fandom and regularly tops polls of fans' all time favourite companions. So when TV wunderkind Russell T. Davies approached her to come back again, this time to a Doctor Who backed by multi-million pound budgets and garlanded with critical plaudits, how could she possibly say no? Now Elisabeth Sladen tells the story of her remarkable career.

Her autobiography is scheduled for release in March 2010.

New Doctor Matt working with Steven Moffat to define character.

Matt Smith who will play Doctor Who

Following David Tennant's decision to step down at the end of 2009, the team behind Series Five of Doctor Who decided to cast Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith quickly, so that new adventures could be created and scripts written with him in mind.

"The script is where it starts", Matt revealed in a new interview Doctor Who Magazine. "It's always about the words, and luckily we're in the hands of Steven Moffat [Doctor Who's incoming Head Writer], who has this show ingrained in his soul and searing through his blood. It's really born into his whole fabric - and that's the job for me over the next few months, to make this show part of my fibre."

"I think Steven is going to be the main creative source for me, and we're going to discover it together - who the Doctor is in Steven's mind and words, coupled with pockets of my personality, my history, my life, and the man and the human being that I am. I've got a meeting with Piers [Wenger, executive producer] next week to discuss that, but I think we'll start rehearsing and, you know, just sit around Piers' or Steven's kitchen table, read the scripts together, talk about the part. We'll talk about my intentions, their intentions, how we feel it can fly, and sing, and be as brilliant and as Doctor-y and as excellent as it can be."

Full article here