New Torchwood Promos

As Torchwood comes ever closer, with just over a week to wait, more promotional pics have been released and can be seen below:

Friday 19 June 2009

Torchwood -Children Of Earth Promo Pics

A new set of promotional images have been posted online and added to the previously reported introduction press pack for the upcoming third series of Torchwood, entitled "Children of Earth". A total of five new images are online and they are of; Ianto Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, and Rhys Williams. You can view all of the five new promotional images below;

Torchwood: Children of Earth will air in July, and it stars John Barrowman as Captain Jack, Eve Myles as Gwen, Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto, and Kai Owen as Rhys. You can read an older post about the introduction press pack here

Sunday 7 June 2009

Season 31 - To Be Split in 2010 ????

Matt Smith by scifiscoop.
Christian Cawley (

Rumours are circulating this weekend that the 2010 series of Doctor Who - season 31 in Kasterborous' book - will be split in two by the BBC to accomodate the FIFA World Cup which kicks off Friday June 11th 2010.

By this stage, Doctor Who could conceivably be half way through its run (although it could also be nearing a conclusion) but the speculation on (via Life, Doctor Who and Combom) points to Steven Moffat opting to split the series in two.

If the series took a summer break and returned in October, the run could end with a Christmas special, giving a more realistic 14 episodes that could have the big Christmas finale without breaking into extra valuable BBC One Saturday night programming in the way Doomsday and Journey's End did.

There is another plus side of course - Doctor Who on dark, wet cold Saturday nights in November. Doctor Who as it was always meant to be broadcast - in the dark, in the Winter and getting in your head.