Wednesday 26 December 2012

Royal Mail Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Stamps

It will be 50 years next years next year since a strange old man stepped out of a Police Box in a scrapyard down Totter's Lane, and the most beloved and exciting television series in the universe began. Since then, the Time Lord has had many faces and battled many foes, and his adventures look set to continue for years to come.

The Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor First Class Stamp With his trademark tweed jacket and bow tie, Matt Smith was the youngest actor appointed to play the role. Regenerating from David Tennant in the 2010 Christmas special, Smith’s Doctor’s original companions were Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and her boyfriend Rory (Arthur Darvill) until 2012. His present companion is Clara (Jenna-Louise Colman). The series marked the return of the Silurians, new villains like the Silence and regular appearances from Alex Kingston as the Doctor’s wife, River Song.

Royal Mail Doctor Who Stamps will be available to order from Spring 2013

For more information :

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Doctor Who New Titles New Era

The much anticipated Doctor Who Christmas special hit UK screens at 5:15pm this evening. In a previous post was mentioned the new look TARDIS and and brand new title sequence and updated theme to coincide with the forthcoming 50th anniversary. Niether disappointed in my opinion. 

What many fans from the classic era of the show hoped to see one day came to be; the face of the Doctor himself in the opening title sequence. What a surprise and joy I and my family had when we saw the face of Matt Smith appear behind the name of Jenna-Louise Coleman. Excited doesn't come close. Taken seven years for the return but worth the wait.

Below is the opening sequence: 


As for the epsiode itself, Steven Moffat excelled himself this year I thought. It blew last year's The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe out of the water. It had laughter, sadness, excitement and intrigue. We got to know a bit more about Oswin and Clara. 2013 sees Series 33 untangle the mystery of Clara Oswald.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Wednesday 19 December 2012

The Doctor & New TARDIS Console Room

The BBC have released a publicity shot of Matt Smith in the all re-designed TARDIS by Michael Pickwoad, and here it is.....


I am not sure on the new design myself. I guess I iwll have to see it on the screen to get a better idea of it.

It does hark back to the classic series; and with the 50th anniversary next year, perhaps that was the brief behind the revamp (?)

 "I thought we'd been getting progressively whimsical with the interior of the TARDIS," Moffat said at a screening of the episode last night

"I started to think, 'Well, why is that? It's not a magical place. It's actually a machine'. And actually potentially, as you'll see more spectacularly later, quite a scary place sometimes. We make a lot of use of that."

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Devil In The Smoke E-Book

Hot on the heels of  'The Angel's Kiss' - A Melody Malone Mystery, BBC Books release  'Devil In The Smoke' by Justin Richards on 18th December 2012 priced at £1.99 . The story focuses on an adventure for an unlikely trio of detectives - The Lizard Woman, The Troll and The Parlour Maid. Going by the synopsis, the book appears to be set prior to the Christmas episode 'The Snowmen'

Madame Vastra, the fabled Lizard Woman of Paternoter Row, knew death in many shapes and forms. But perhaps one of the most bizarre of these was death by snow…

On a cold day in December, two young boys, tired of sweeping snow from the workhouse yard, decide to build a snowman – and are confronted with a strange and grisly mystery. In horrified fascination, they watch as their snowman begins to bleed…

The search for answers to this impossible event will plunge Harry into the most hazardous – and exhilarating – adventure of his life. He will encounter a hideous troll. He will dine with a mysterious parlour maid. And he will help The Great Detective, Madame Vastra, save the world from the terrifying Devil in the Smoke.

Revamped Theme Tune & Title Sequence

Something cold, something new… Not only will we be treated to a ‘new’ TARDIS during The Snowmen (Christmas Day at 5.15pm), but the episode will premiere a revamped theme tune and opening title sequence.
We can’t give too much away about the new-look titles except to say they are wonderfully dramatic and striking, with a couple of unexpected touches. In short, they’re a perfect way to welcome back the Doctor!

And fans of the famous Doctor Who theme tune needn’t worry… This new arrangement remains true to the original, written by Ron Grainer back in 1963, but on Christmas Day you’ll hear it as it’s never sounded before. This latest version is more thrilling and powerful but retains that slightly scary quality that remains stirring no matter how many times you catch it.

To enjoy the revamped theme tune and opening title sequence, make sure you’re watching The Snowmen on BBC One, Christmas Day at 5.15pm.

Saturday 8 December 2012

New TARDIS for The Doctor

The BBC's Doctor Who has revealed a sneak peek at a brand new TARDIS that will debut in this year's Christmas special: The Snowmen.  This will be the  second  TARDIS for Matt Smith but it will be the first TARDIS for the show's new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman as Clara, who makes her entrance on Christmas Day at 5:15pm on BBC ONE, albeit her second appearance after appearing in epsiode 1 Assylum Of The Daleks.

The new set was designed by Michael Pickwoad the show’s production designer, and will be home to the Doctor and Clara as they travel through space and time when the adventure continues in spring 2013 with a further eight epic episodes.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

The Snowmen Publicity Photos

Doctor Who Christmas special airs BBC ONE / BBC ONE HD 17:15 on Christmas Day