The Doctor can't always be there....
Trailer 1
Trailer 2
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Steven Moffat will stay on for Series 37 / 11
Steven Moffat won't be leaving "Doctor Who" as showrunner quite yet at the end of the upcoming series 10.
"I’ve got so much more time left on ‘Doctor Who," he said at a press roundtable during New York Comic Con on Friday. — I'm not just doing this Christmas, I'm doing next Christmas as well.”
had a long run with the BBC series, where he began as a writer when it
was revived in 2005 then took over as showrunner from Russell T. Davies
in 2010. He'd previously been announced as handing over showrunning duties to Chris Chibnall ("Broadchurch") after the 10th season, which will start airing in April.
Full article here
Doctor Who gets the Mr Men makeover
2017 will see four books in a new range which sees the Doctor’s
regenerations imagined in the style of Roger Hargreaves, creator of the
Mr. Men.
These storybook mash-ups, written and illustrated by Adam
Hargreaves, combine the iconic storytelling of Doctor Who with the
whimsical humour and design made famous by his father, Roger Hargreaves.
The first four released will be: Dr. First, Dr. Fourth, Dr. Eleventh and Dr. Twelfth.
Check out the details and the four amazing covers below!
Penguin Young Readers, a division of Penguin Random House is master publisher and will release twelve titles, one for each Doctor.
The first four titles are published in Spring 2017
Pre order here for
Dr First
Dr Fourth
Dr Eleventh
Dr Twelfth
Doctor Who Christmas Special title: The Return Of Doctor Mysterio
This Christmas, the Doctor teams up with a comic-book superhero in New York for a heroic special titled, The Return of Doctor Mysterio.
We also have a brand new image and a behind-the-scenes trailer to share.
The Return of Doctor Mysterio sees the Twelfth Doctor, as played by Peter Capaldi, teaming up with an investigative journalist, played by Charity Wakefield (Wolf Hall), and a superhero to save New York from a deadly alien threat.
Behind the scenes of the special
Behind the scenes of the special