Friday 25 July 2008

Capt. John Figure

Scificollector recently released an image of the upcoming Captain John Hart figure. Captain John Hart appeared in episodes one, twelve and thirteen of Torchwood series two and was played by James Marsters. An image of the Captain John figure can be seen above, click the image to enlarge it. This figure will join the Blowfish in Wave 2 of the Torchwood figures and you can see an image of the Blowfish figure here. Click here to view the wave one set of Torchwood figures which are expected for release in Autumn. Wave 2 figures will be released at a later date but at the moment it's not known when. Figures of Owen, Toshiko and Ianto are also in the making and will be released at some stage in the future according to Scificollector. What do you think of the Captain John Hart figure?

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