Monday 29 April 2013

Combat Crime - Use The TARDIS

A 'Think-Tank' have proposed the idea of reviving the old style Police Public Call Box, as seen in  Doctor Who; which has become a trademark of the BBC.

A think-tank suggests opening up modern versions of the 'Tardis' police box 
A 'TARDIS' outside Earl's Court underground

Over recent years, Police Stations up and down the UK have been closed down or their manning reduced. Now, a think-tank have suggested ntroducing high-tech versions of the Police Box, which would be more in parallel with the fictional Doctor Who TARDIS.

A better service could be offered to the public if the police left their out-of-date stations and moved into shopping centres and post offices, the report by the Policy Exchange added.

Faced with budget cuts of 20% in the age of austerity, forces need to manage "the police estate in a smarter fashion" and become "more imaginative" with how they interact with the public, the report argued.

In London, the number of people reporting crimes at front counters has fallen by more than 100,000 - almost half - since 2006/07, the Policy Exchange said, as people turn to other forms of communication, including over the phone and online.

As well as opening offices in shopping centres and post offices, the report recommends introducing  police boxes, which would be high-tech contact points featuring video links for the public to communicate with the police. The boxes could be used to report crime, provide witness statements, discuss concerns and access information, the report said.

A police officer calling for assistance as seen in the Tom Baker serial 'Logopolis'

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