Monday 23 September 2013

Couples wanted for Doctor Who mass wedding/civil partnership event! - See more at

Who fans, are you planning on getting married this year? Want to make it special? How about this ....

Who wouldn't want to get married in the face of Daleks, Cybermen or a Silurian? There is a mass Doctor Who wedding event happening on the 24th November 2013, the day after the fiftieth anniversary of the cult classic.

An events company is looking for 50 couples who want to get hitched dressed as their favourite characters from Doctor Who. There will be prizes for best costume, and all couples will say their vows at the same time. The event is also open to those who want to renew their wedding vows. 

A specially constructed TARDIS is being built for the event and you will get to mingle with friends and foes from the show. Doctor Who commemorative rings and a special cake are being designed for the big event, along with a band who will be playing songs from the show.

After the mass wedding ceremony, there will be a champagne reception and buffet which is open to the public. 

The Special Events Group are no strangers to organising themed based weddings, they co-organised the first UK Klingon wedding and the minister even spoke Klingon!

The wedding is being held in London at the Bloomsbury Ballroom on the 24th November  2013. Registration closes on the 15th October. Full details can be found at the Whovian Wedding site.

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