Saturday 19 September 2015

Doctor Who: exclusive The Magician's Apprentice poster revealed

Last year designer and dedicated Whovian Stuart Manning created a poster to accompany every single episode, exclusively for They proved so popular that we've asked him to the same for series nine. This week's was inspired by the Doctor's musical predilections – as Stuart explains.

Doctor Who: exclusive The Magician's Apprentice poster revealed"I thought it would be fun to base this poster on my original design for Peter Capaldi's opener Deep Breath," he says. "So I made the focal point a new profile silhouette of the Doctor, updated with his hoody, shades and ever-increasing Jon Pertwee bouffant, showing how far this Doctor has come from the stern patrician figure seen in his opening story.

"The Magician's Apprentice got me thinking of playing cards, which was a good way to incorporate the profile with a shot of Missy as the Doctor's literal flip side.

"The design itself is inspired mostly by US gig posters, drawing on the Doctor's new electric guitar and reinvention as the universe's oldest rocker. As the kick-off to a new series, I like to think of this as the first stop on the tour – a big, fun opening riff with the Doctor playing up to the crowds. Gallifrey via Vegas somehow seemed to fit the bill."

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