Tuesday 17 November 2015

Jenna Coleman: "It didn't go as I thought"

Jenna Coleman's time on Doctor Who ebbs ever closer and her character Clara is expected to leave the Doctor's side in Saturday's episode Face The Raven. Jenna has played Clara (Oswin) Oswald since 2012 when she appeared in the Series 7 opener Assylum Of The Daleks.

On her reaction to the exit, Jenna said: "I’m very satisfied. It was a surprise when I read the script, as it always is with Steven’s scripts. It did not go in the direction I thought it was going to go in – which did not surprise me at all. But it’s really cool and different, and good, I think. I hope people will be pleased with it, because it was very fun to play. And sad."

However, there is a glimmer of hope that Jenna may return to the BBC sci-fi show; "Once you’ve built up to an exit – and we’ve been talking about when Clara would leave for quite a while – I think you’d have to be very careful about when and how to do it. But I mean, I’ve got such a fond and special relationship with the Doctor, if it was the right nature of the story, then I would love to. But we shall see."

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