Friday 7 September 2018

Series 37/11 Title And Airdate are Revealed

On Thursday, 5th September, the BBC revealed the airdate for the upcoming new series of Doctor Who to be ...  SUNDAY 7TH OCTOBER 2018. You read that right. The BBC have decided in their wisdom to move our beloved show from its regualar Saturday evening slot to a Sunday. They have basically thought, what better way to end a hard working week, than for us all to sit down in front of the tele-box, let the Sunday roast settle in our bellies, and watch the new series of doctor Who. The title for the opener of Series 37/11 is: The Woman Who Fell To Earth,  as many YouTube fan made videos had predicted.

When we last saw the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker), they had just regenerated and promptly expelled from the TARDIS prior to it dematerialising.

New showrunner, Chris Chubnall has said, "We have a new Doctor, new monster, so it's only fitting that the TimeLord has a new time slot". The BBC have yet to reveal the time for the opening episode but, I would guess that it will be 7pm. 

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