(Image mock-up)
A new post from LEGO suggests the licencing problems holding back Doctor Who LEGO sets are no more...
Two of the pillars of geekdom, both with foundations going back decades, are Doctor Who and LEGO. Yet they've never met, with the BBC giving the rights to make Doctor Who
LEGO-like items to Character Options, who has, over the years, put
together a very healthy smattering of choices. They have had plenty of
our cash, certainly.
LEGO has, for some time, run a scheme whereby users can submit
potential projects for future LEGO sets. LEGO CUUSOO is the name of said
scheme, and users get to vote on potential projects. That's how the
likes of the Back To The Future DeLorean came to pass, for example.
However, in the past, when users have submitted Doctor Who-themed
projects to LEGO CUUSOO, they've not got past the drawing board, due to
licencing issues. Now though there's been an update to the License
Conflicts And Resolutions section of LEGO CUUSOO's help page, and this
is the exact text:
If your project was previously turned down, archived, or deleted
due to a licensing conflict that is now resolved, you may re-submit it
as a new project. Supporters from past projects cannot be applied to a
future project.
Resolved Past Licensing Conflicts
We now welcome projects based on the following licenses that used to have conflicts:
Doctor Who - February 2014
Now we're not ones for speculation, but that suggests very much to us that the barriers preventing Doctor Who
and LEGO from joining forces have been taken down. This hasn't been
confirmed, and we will update this story with any official word from
LEGO, the BBC or Character Options when we get it. But the LEGO post,
we'd suggest, is fairly specific. This hints broadly that Doctor Who LEGO may be on the way.
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