Publishers Eaglemoss have announced a new fortnightly magazine series celebrating the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary complete with figurines. The series starts today, full details below:
Looking back at this iconic programme by concentrating on many of the
characters from the various incarnations of the show, the official Doctor Who figurine collection features classic characters from fifty years of Doctor Who, including the series’ greatest monsters, all the Doctors and the most important DALEKS and CYBERMEN from every era!
Every figurine comes with an official collector’s magazine that explains
how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic
moments, explore fifty years of the series’ history, and discover the
answers to some impossible questions.
This is the definitive Doctor Who figurine collection!
Issue No.1 (on sale 28 August at the introductory price of £2.99) comes with a figurine of the Eleventh Doctor from the episode The Pandorica Opens.
Issue No.2 (on sale 12 September at the regular price of £6.99) will feature Davros from Journey’s End.
This is the definitive Doctor Who figurine collection!
Issue No.1 (on sale 28 August at the introductory price of £2.99) comes with a figurine of the Eleventh Doctor from the episode The Pandorica Opens.
Issue No.2 (on sale 12 September at the regular price of £6.99) will feature Davros from Journey’s End.
Visit their website
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